AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW be dropped in 2005 and meaning other countries were unable to charge Doha as they had already tried 987 988 the cases he was alleged to be involved in. Doha was due to be deported Algeria in 2006, but was 989 990 instead released on bail in 2008. He was jailed again in February 2009, and released to house arrest in 991 2011. Foreign training/combat: Doha is alleged to have helped to run al-Qaeda’s Khalden training camp in 992 Afghanistan. Movements: 993 France (Unclear); UK (1994, 1999); Afghanistan (1996). Criminal history: No known convictions. Known to the authorities: Following his arrest, it transpired Doha was wanted by authorities in the US, 994 France, Germany and Italy. Networks and associates: -! Al-Qaeda: Osama bin Laden [Prosecutors claimed the two men met in Kandahar in December 995 1998]. -! Finsbury Park Mosque: Abu Qatada [Qatada has been described as a “close associate” of 996 Doha]. The ‘Frankfurt Cell’: -! Fouhad Sabour, Lamine Maroni, Salim Boukhari, Aeroubi Beandali [The 997 four men sought extra funds from Abu Doha for the Strasbourg plot]; Rabah Kadre [Convicted 998 of involvement in the Strasbourg plot, Kadre was Doha’s deputy and successor]. -! Other: Ahmed Ressam [Ressam alleged Doha had overseen the plot before withdrawing his 999 testimony]. AHMED RESSAM Role: 1000 Convicted of plotting to bomb Los Angeles LAX airport on 31 December 1999. Bio: Algerian Ressam was born 19 May 1967 and grew up near Algiers. He travelled to Paris in 1984 for medical treatment and learned more about Algeria’s history, becoming involved with Islamist causes on his return. He was unsuccessful at school, graduating in 1988, and after failing to find work with the Algerian security forces and a stint in a coffee shop he moved to France in 1992. Living illegally in the country, mostly in Corsica, until 1994 he then used a false passport to travel to Montreal, Canada, where ! ! 987 Crumley, B., ‘The Terror Suspect Who May Go Free’, Time, 30 October 2006. 988 O’Neill, S., ‘Immigration powers used to hold al-Qaeda kingpin in jail’, The Times, 20 October 2006. 989 Gardham, D., ‘Terrorist 'linked to Osama bin Laden' released on bail’, The Telegraph, 3 July 2008. 990 Anonymised SIAC judgement, available on request. 991 Anonymised SIAC judgement, available on request. 992 Gardham, D., ‘Terrorist 'linked to Osama bin Laden' released on bail’, The Telegraph, 3 July 2008. 993 Anonymised SIAC judgement, available on request. 994 Crumley, B., ‘The Terror Suspect Who May Go Free’, Time, 30 October 2006. 995 Hooper, J., ‘Al-Qaida cell in UK 'planned attack'’, Guardian, 26 October 2001. 996 Gardman, D., ‘Profile: Abu Qatada’, The Telegraph, 17 January 2012, available at: uk/9019817/Profile-Abu-Qatada.html, last visited: 9 August 2016. 997 Harris, P. et al., ‘Al-Qaeda's bombers used Britain to plot slaughter’, Guardian, 21 April 2002. 998 O’Neill, S. and Daniel McGrory, The Suicide Factory: Abu Hamza and the Finsbury Park Mosque (London: Harper Collins, 2006), pp. 142, 240-1. 999 Crumley, B., ‘The Terror Suspect Who May Go Free’, Time, 30 October 2006. 1000 ‘'Millennium bomber' Ahmed Ressam given longer sentence’, BBC News, 24 October 2012, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. ! ! 79 !

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