AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW 247 M AL-MAHMOD aka Ali al-Iraqi Role: 248 Suicide bomber at the Stade de France during the Paris attacks. Bio: Al-Mahmod’s real identity is unknown. IS propaganda magazine, Dabiq, may have identified 249 Mahmod as an Iraqi under the alias Ali al-Iraqi. Foreign training/combat: 250 Pictured in Syria. Movements: 251 Al-Mahmod entered Leros, Greece, on 3 October 2015, with Ahmed al-Mohamed. Both 252 men also bought ferry tickets to leave Leros. Criminal history: Unknown. Known to the authorities: Unknown. Network and associates: -! Paris attacks (November 2015): Ahmed al-Mohamed [fellow Paris attacker and suicide bomber at the Stade de France; travelled from Iraq to Europe via Greece with Mohamed], Abdelhamid Abaaoud, Salah Abdeslam, Brahim Abdeslam, Chakib Akrouh, Bilal Hadfi, Omar Ismail 253 Mostefai, Sami Amimour, Foued Mohammed Aggad [fellow Paris attackers]. OMAR ISMAIL MOSTEFAI Role: 254 Gunman at the Bataclan concert hall during the Paris attacks. Bio: 29 years old and of Algerian ancestry, Mostefai was born in Courcourronnes, a suburb south of Paris, and grew up in the area’s Le Canal estate. He is believed to have moved south to Chartres in 2009-10, possibly taking a young daughter with him. Following this move, he appears to have come to the attention of French authorities over radicalisation concerns, though it is unclear what triggered these worries. He is reported to have attended the Generation 2000 Mosque in Luce and may have been radicalised by a Belgian-born radical Imam who also attended the mosque. He is then believed to have visited Syria, leaving in late 2013 and returning in 2014, where he was identified as being involved with a group of 255 Salafists in Chartres. ! ! 247 Paton, C., ‘Paris attacks: Islamic State's Dabiq magazine identifies two Stade de France suicide bombers as Iraqis’, International Business Times, 20 January 2016. 248 ‘Paris attacks: BBC names Stade de France bomber as M al-Mahmod’, BBC News, 22 November 2015, available at: 34896521, last visited: 9 August 2016. 249 Paton, C., ‘Paris attacks: Islamic State's Dabiq magazine identifies two Stade de France suicide bombers as Iraqis’, International Business Times, 20 January 2016. 250 ibid. 251 ‘Paris attacks: BBC names Stade de France bomber as M al-Mahmod’, BBC News, 22 November 2015. 252 ibid. 253 ‘Paris attacks: Who were the attackers?’, BBC News, 27 April 2016. 254 ‘Paris attacks: BBC names Stade de France bomber as M al-Mahmod’, BBC News, 22 November 2015. 255 Chrisafis, A., ‘Life of Paris attacker Omar Ismail Mostefai: from petty crime to radicalisation’, Guardian, 16 November 2015, available at:; and ‘Profile: Omar Ismail Mostefai’, BBC News, 15 November 2015, available at: Both last visited: 9 August 2016. ! ! 25 !

An Enduring Threat: Europe’s Islamist Terror Networks Then and Now - Page 28 An Enduring Threat: Europe’s Islamist Terror Networks Then and Now Page 27 Page 29