AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW 1349 up in Schaerbeek, where one of the group’s safe houses was found. Both Abrini and Abdeslam also 1350 returned to Brussels after the Paris attacks. In addition to these men, Khalid Zerkani, the recruiter whose network was connected to attackers including Abaaoud, Laachraoui, and Chakib Akrouh also 1351 operated out of mosques in Molenbeek. This is lacking in the older network, whose members were often born in North Africa before travelling to Europe as young men, and then travelling extensively across Europe after this, with individual institutions like Finsbury Park Mosque playing a more important role than the neighbourhoods they had grown up in. ! ! 1349 ‘Masterminds of Terror’, Raconteur, May 2016, p. 26 1350 ‘Factbox: The hunt for the Paris attackers’, Reuters, 24 December 2015; and ‘Mohamed Abrini: Belgian authorities issue international arrest warrant for new Paris attack suspect’, The Independent, 24 November 2015, available at: salah-abdeslam-a6747606.html, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1351 ‘Khalid Zerkani, Brussels’ jihadist preacher who ‘perverted a generation’’, France 24, 26 March 2016. ! ! 105 !

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