AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW Criminal history: No known history of petty crime, but charged with “conspiracy to commit terrorism” 270 after arrested in October 2012 before being released on bail. Known to the authorities: Following his arrest in October 2012, Amimour was added to “a watch list of potential terrorists” and “placed under judicial supervision” which required him to report to a police station once a week. An international arrest warrant was issued for him by French police when he went 271 missing in 2013. Network and associates: Paris attacks (November 2015): -! Abdelhamid Abaaoud, Salah Abdeslam, Brahim Abdeslam, Chakib Akrouh, Bilal Hadfi, M al-Mahmod, Omar Ismail Mostefai, Ahmed al-Mohamed, Foued 272 Mohammed Aggad [fellow Paris attackers]. FOUED MOHAMMED AGGAD Role: 273 Gunman at the Bataclan concert hall during the Paris attacks. Bio: 274 A French-born 23-year-old from Wissembourg near Strasbourg, Aggad was the son of Moroccan 275 immigrants. He is not reported to have held down a job, and was known to the police as a petty criminal. Le Parisien has connected him to a group of young men who travelled to Syria from Strasbourg in 2013, 276 and he is believed to have fought there before returning to France to carry out the Paris attacks. Foreign training/combat: 277 Aggad fought in Syria with his brother, having travelled to Raqqa with a group of friends via Aleppo in 2013. Two of the group died in March 2014 and the rest returned to France and 278 279 were arrested while Aggad stayed on in Syria. Movement: Travelled to Syria in 2013. It is unclear how he returned to France. Criminal history: Known to police as a petty criminal before traveling to Syria, but no known convictions. Known to the authorities: Allegedly “subject to an Interpol arrest warrant” after the arrest of his fellow 280 travellers during 2014. ! ! 270 Henn, P, ‘Paris killer taught to shoot by French police’, Express, 1 December 2015, available at: Paris-Bataclan-police, last visited: 9 August 2016. 271 Farmer, B. et al., ‘Who is Salah Abdeslam and who were the Paris terrorists? Everything we know about the Isil attackers’, The Telegraph, 18 March 2016; and ‘Paris attacks: Samy Amimour, the ‘nice guy’ who became a jihadi’, Financial Times, 19 November 2015. 272 ‘Paris attacks: Who were the attackers?’, BBC News, 27 April 2016. 273 Watkinson, W., ‘Foued Mohamed-Aggad: Isis sent Bataclan terrorist's mother 'martyr text message' after Paris attacks’, International Business Times, 9 December 2015, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 274 ‘Paris attacks profile: Foued Mohamed-Aggad’, BBC News, 9 December 2015, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 275 ‘Who was third Bataclan attacker Foued Mohamed-Aggad?’, BBC News, 9 December 2015, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 276 ‘La filière de Strasbourg’, Le Parisien, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 277 ‘Paris attacks profile: Foued Mohamed-Aggad’, BBC News, 9 December 2015. 278 ‘Who was third Bataclan attacker Foued Mohamed-Aggad?’, BBC News, 9 December 2015. 279 ‘Third Paris Bataclan attacker identified as Foued Mohamed Aggad’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 December 2015, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 280 ‘Who was third Bataclan attacker Foued Mohamed-Aggad?’, BBC News, 9 December 2015. ! ! 27 !

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