AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW 632 633 a cyber-café. He has since been described as a computer expert. He is thought to have travelled to Afghanistan and spent time in al-Qaeda training camps and to have been designing a bomb for the attack on the US Embassy and cultural centre. After Beghal’s arrest in July 2001, Daoudi fled Paris for Leicester and made contact with Brahim Benmerzouga and Baghdad Meziane. On 25 September, all three were arrested and “files on conventional, guerrilla and nuclear warfare” as well as a Taliban statement were 634 635 found with Daoudi. He was extradited to France on 30 September 2001 and convicted in 2005, 636 receiving a nine year sentence. Daoudi was released from prison in April 2008, and the European Court 637 of Human Rights ordered France to suspend attempts to deport him to Algeria. He is currently under 638 house arrest in Carmaux, southern France. 639 Foreign training/combat: Al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan (2001) Movements: Afghanistan (2001); UK (2001). Criminal history: Convicted of involvement in the 2001 al-Qaeda plot to bomb the US Embassy and 640 Cultural Centre in Paris (2005). Known to the authorities: Monitored by MI5 following his escape from Beghal’s Paris flat and travel to 641 Leicester. Networks and associates: Al-Qaeda: -! Brahim Benmerzouga, Baghdad Meziane [Visited by Daoudi in Leicester in early 2001 to arrange travel to training camps in Afghanistan. Daoudi was arrested at Benmerzouga’s 642 home in September 2001 after fleeing there following Beghal’s arrest]. US Embassy and Cultural Centre plot (2001) 643 -! : Djamel Beghal [Convicted alongside Beghal, 644 Daoudi was Beghal’s “number two” and used an apartment in Corbeil owned by Beghal]; Nizar 645 Trabelsi [Trabelsi attended Abu Qatada’s classes in London with Daoudi, and was claimed to 646 have been the suicide bomber to be used to attack the US Embassy by Beghal]. Finsbury Park Mosque: -! Abu Qatada [Attended classes in London before he went to Afghanistan]. ! ! 632 ‘The Baker Street connection’, Independent, 6 October 2001, available at: 9234533.html, last visited: 9 August 2016. 633 ‘Six jailed over Paris bomb plot’, BBC News, 15 March 2005. 634 Bird, S., ‘Quiet existence in Leicester suburb masked complex terrorist network’, The Times, 2 April 2003. 635 ‘Bin Laden suspect 'recruited in UK'’, BBC News, 3 October 2001. 636 ‘Six jailed over Paris bomb plot’, BBC News, 15 March 2005. 637 ‘France: European Court Orders Suspension of Deportation’, Human Rights Watch, 24 April 2008, available at: european-court-orders-suspension-deportation, last visited: 9 August 2016. 638 Sayare, S., ‘The Ultimate Terrorist Factory’, Harper’s Magazine, January 2016, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 639 ‘Six jailed over Paris bomb plot’, BBC News, 15 March 2005. 640 ibid. 641 Bird, S., ‘Quiet existence in Leicester suburb masked complex terrorist network’, The Times, 2 April 2003. 642 ibid. 643 ‘Six jailed over Paris bomb plot’, BBC News, 15 March 2005. 644 Henley, J., ‘Paris plot reveals link to terror chief’, Guardian, 3 October 2001. 645 ‘The Baker Street connection’, Independent, 6 October 2001. 646 Barnett, A. and Burhan Wazir, ‘From football to terrorism’, Guardian, 7 October 2001. ! ! 53 !

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