AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW the two men set up a bomb factory to make the explosives for the plot. After Ressam’s arrest, 1007 Dahoumane escaped to Afghanistan and was later convicted in Algeria]. SAID ARIF: Arif, an Algerian who had left the Algerian army to join al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in the late 1008 1990s, was found to be a member of Abu Doha’s network by a French court in June 2006, something supported by Laurent Djoumakh’s testimony that Arif, who had travelled to Georgia in 2001 using his 1009 passport, was involved with Doha’s network. Arif also claimed to have been present at a meeting in Kabul in 2000 at which Doha was present. Arif was also in contact with Mohammed Bensakhria, the leader of the Frankfurt cell, after he moved to Germany and fled to Pakistan to avoid arrest in relation to 1010 the Strasbourg plot. Arif was arrested in Syria in May 2003 and extradited to France in June 2004, where he was convicted, in June 2006, of “membership in a criminal organisation in relation to a terrorist 1011 undertaking” and sentenced to nine years, increased in May 2007 to ten years. In October 2013, he fled house arrest in France and travelled to Syria, joining Jabhat al-Nusra and Interpol issued a Red 1012 1013 Notice. He was reportedly killed in an airstrike in May 2015. 1014 KAMAL BOURGASS: An associate of Rabah Kadre through Finsbury Park Mosque, Bourgass was convicted in June 2004 for the murder of Detective Constable Stephen Oake in 2003 and sentenced to 20 years in prison He was convicted in April 2005 and sentenced to 17 years in connection with the ricin 1015 plot. 1016 MOHAMMED MEGUERBA: An associate of Rabah Kadre through Finsbury Park Mosque, Meguerba was also mentioned as a member of Abu Doha’s network in a SIAC judgement against Moloud 1017 1018 Sihali. He was involved in the ricin plot alongside Bourgass, but fled the UK and was tried in Algeria, 1019 where he was jailed for ten years for “belonging to a foreign terror organisation” in July 2005. ! ! 1007 ‘Ahmed Ressam’s Millennium Plot’, Frontline. 1008 ‘Terrorist Designation of Said Arif’, US Department of State, 18 August 2014, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1009 ‘Criminal Association in Relation to a Terrorist Undertaking’, Human Rights Watch, July 2008. 1010 Hafez, M., Suicide Bombers in Iraq: the Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom, (Institute of Peace Press, 2007), p. 205. 1011 ‘Criminal Association in Relation to a Terrorist Undertaking’, Human Rights Watch, July 2008. 1012 ‘Terrorist Designation of Said Arif’, US Department of State, 18 August 2014. 1013 Joscelyn, T., ‘Another al Qaeda veteran reportedly killed while leading Jund al Aqsa in Syria’, The Long War Journal, 27 May 2016, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1014 nd Stuart, H. et al., Islamist Terrorism: The British Connections, 2 edition (The Henry Jackson Society, 2011), pp. 445-6. 1015 ‘Killer jailed over poison plot’, BBC News, 13 April 2005. 1016 nd Stuart, H. et al., Islamist Terrorism: The British Connections, 2 edition (The Henry Jackson Society, 2011), pp. 445-6. 1017 ‘Between: MOLOUD SIHALI - and - SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT’, Special Immigration Appeals Commission, 26 March 2010, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016, p. 7. 1018 ‘Killer jailed over poison plot’, BBC News, 13 April 2005. 1019 ‘Ten years for ricin plot leader’, Manchester Evening News, 4 July 2005, available at: news/ten-years-for-ricin-plot-leader-1074575, last visit: 9 August 2016. ! ! 81 !

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