AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW 309 310 in a house in Schaerbeek where police also found a fingerprint belonging to Abdeslam]; Osama Krayem [Krayem was in a car with Abdeslam stopped in Ulm, Germany in October 311 2015]; Mohammed Abrini [Believed to have rented an apartment with Salah Abdeslam in Paris 312 which was used by the attackers; Caught on CCTV with Salah Abdeslam on 11 November 313 2015; Abrini was also a regular at a bar run by Salah and Brahim Abdeslam until it was shut 314 down for its connections to drug dealing]. -! Paris attacks (November 2015): Brahim Abdeslam [brother]; Abdelhamid Abaaoud, Chakib Akrouh, Bilal Hadfi, Ahmad al-Mohammed, M al-Mahmod; Omar Ismail Mostefai, Sami 315 Amimour, Foued Mohammed Aggad [fellow Paris attackers]; Ahmed Dahmani [Abdeslam 316 travelled alongside Dahmani in August 2015. Dahmani, having travelled from Amsterdam days earlier, was arrested in November in Turkey in relation to the Paris attacks, suspected of having 317 scouted out target locations]. Other: 318 -! Soufiane Ayari [Gave the name Monir Ahmed Alaaj when stopped alongside Abdeslam 319 in Ulm in October 2015. Ayari was with Abdeslam when he escaped from a flat in Forest raided 320 by the police on 15 March and arrested alongside Abdeslam and gave another false name – 321 Amine Choukri]; Mohammed Belkaid [Abdeslam travelled twice to Budapest, Hungary, in 322 September 2015 and one of his passengers when stopped at the Austrian border was Belkaid. 323 Belkaid was killed as he covered Abdeslam’s escape during a police raid on 15 March 2016. Ayari, Belkaid and Abdeslam are believed to have been planning a shooting attack to accompany 324 the Brussels attacks]. Mohamed Amri, Hamza Attou [Amri and Attou were charged in 325 November 2015 for participation in terrorist activity, after they were seen and videoed driving 326 Abdeslam from France to Belgium after the attacks]; Ali Oulkadi and Lazez Abraimi, [Accused 327 of driving Abdeslam around Brussels after the Paris attacks and handguns were discovered in 328 Lazez’s car]; Abid Aberkan [Abdeslam was eventually arrested alongside Aberkan at Aberkan’s 329 mother’s address. Aberkan is the nephew of Fatima Aberkan, described the “mother” of the 330 Zerkani Network]. ! ! 309 Cendrowicz, L., ‘Najim Laachraoui: Belgian police launch manhunt for suspect who could have made suicide belts for Paris attacks’, Independent, 21 March 2016. 310 ‘Paris attacks hideouts found in Belgium’, BBC News, 13 January 2016. 311 ‘How are the Brussels attackers linked to Paris?’, France 24, 21 April 2016. 312 ‘Brussels suspect: Check-in area for Tel Aviv flight was targeted’, The Times of Israel, 14 April 2016. 313 ‘Factbox: The hunt for the Paris attackers’, Reuters, 24 December 2015. 314 Bartunek, R. and Alastair Macdonald, ‘Belgians seize key suspects in Paris, Brussels attacks’, Reuters, 9 April 2016. 315 ‘Paris attacks: Who were the attackers?’, BBC News, 27 April 2016. 316 ‘Paris attacks: Salah Abdeslam’s luck runs out’, BBC News, 19 March 2016. 317 ‘21 arrested and one charged in Belgian raids, Salah Abdeslam at large’, France 24, 23 November 2015, available at: brussels-lockdown-second-day-attack-fears-paris-belgium-terrorism-islamic-state-group, last visited: 9 August 2016. 318 ‘At least 8 suspects are at large with links to attacks in Brussels, Paris’, CNN, 28 March 2016. 319 ‘Paris attacks: Salah Abdeslam’s luck runs out’, BBC News, 19 March 2016. 320 Verberght, M. et al., ‘Salah Abdeslam, Paris Attacks Suspect, Captured in Belgian Raid’, The Wall Street Journal, 18 March 2016. 321 Whitehead, T. and Colin Freeman, ‘Brussels explosions: The Isil terror cell that spread across Europe’, The Telegraph, 22 March 2016; ‘Paris attacks: Salah Abdeslam’s luck runs out’, BBC News, 19 March 2016. 322 ‘Paris attacks: Salah Abdeslam’s luck runs out’, BBC News, 19 March 2016; and ‘How are the Brussels attackers linked to Paris?’ France 24, 21 April 2016. 323 Verberght, M. et al., ‘Salah Abdeslam, Paris Attacks Suspect, Captured in Belgian Raid’, The Wall Street Journal, 18 March 2016. 324 ‘Suspects linked to the Paris, Brussels attacks’, Reuters, 8 April 2016. 325 Vinograd, C. et al., ‘Paris Attacks: Salah Abdeslam's Alleged Getaway Drivers Charged’, NBC News, 17 November 2015, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 326 Mindock, C., ‘Who Is Hamza Attou, Mohammed Amri? Everything We Know About The Alleged Paris Terrorist Getaway Drivers’, International Business Times, 17 November 2015, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 327 ‘Factbox: The hunt for the Paris attackers’, Reuters, 24 December 2015. 328 ibid. 329 ‘Brussels attacks: Have blunders hampered Belgian investigation?’, BBC News, 15 April 2016. 330Gartenstein-Ross, D, and Nathaniel Barr, ‘Recent Attacks Illuminate Islamic State’s Europe Attack Network’, The Jamestown Foundation, 27 April 2016. ! ! 30 !

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