AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW Maelbeek metro station, and has claimed he was due to target Petillon metro station before losing his 110 111 112 nerve. After fleeing the scene, he was arrested on 8 April 2016 alongside Mohamed Abrini. Foreign training/combat: 113 Krayem is believed to have fought for IS in Deir Ezzor, Syria. Movements : Krayem travelled with a fake Syrian passport under the name Naim al-Ahmed/al-Hamed on 114 20 September 2015 from Syria to Europe via the Greek island of Leros on a migrant boat. He was 115 116 picked up by Salah Abdeslam and travelled to Belgium via Ulm, Germany. Criminal history: Krayam was known to be a petty criminal and drug taker, though it is unclear if he was 117 ever convicted of any offences. Known to the authorities: Unknown. Networks and associates: Brussels attacks (March 2016) -! : Khalid el-Bakraoui [Krayam was filmed on CCTV in Maalbeek 118 119 metro station talking to el-Bakraoui just before he detonated his suicide bomb]; unspecified attackers [His DNA and fingerprints were found in the Brussels apartments used by the airport 120 121 bombers, and he was captured on CCTV purchasing the bags used in the airport bombing]. Paris attacks (November 2015) -! : Salah Abdeslam [Krayem was in a car with Abdeslam stopped in 122 Ulm, Germany in October 2015]; unspecified attackers [his fingerprints and DNA are reported 123 as having been found on “several hideouts” used by the Paris attackers prior to the attacks; his 124 DNA was also found in the car used during the Paris attacks]. -! Other: Soufiane Ayari [Krayem was in a car with Ayari stopped in Ulm, Germany in October 125 2015. Ayari used false ID with the name Amine Choukri]. ! ! 110 ‘Three months on and still much of the Brussels plot remains a mystery’, The Independent, 18 June 2016, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 111 ‘How are the Brussels attackers linked to Paris?’, France 24, 21 April 2016. 112 ‘Osama Krayem, a Swedish radical linked to Brussels attacks’, Daily Mail Online, 9 April 2016. 113 ‘Osama Krayem: Swedish jihadist linked to Brussels bombings charged with ‘terrorist murder’ over Paris attacks’, Independent, 20 April 2016; and Watkinson, W., ‘Brussels attack: Who is Osama Krayem the jihadi from Malmo arrested with 'Man in the Hat'?’, International Business Times, 10 April 2016. 114 ‘How are the Brussels attackers linked to Paris?’ France 24, 21 April 2016; and Watkinson, W., ‘Brussels attack: Who is Osama Krayem the jihadi from Malmo arrested with 'Man in the Hat'?’, International Business Times, 10 April 2016. 115 ibid. 116 ‘How are the Brussels attackers linked to Paris?’ France 24, 21 April 2016. 117 Watkinson, W., ‘Brussels attack: Who is Osama Krayem the jihadi from Malmo arrested with 'Man in the Hat'?’, International Business Times, 10 April 2016. 118 ‘Krayem involved in Paris attacks’, New Europe, 20 April 2016. 119 ‘Osama Krayem, a Swedish radical linked to Brussels attacks’, Daily Mail Online, 9 April 2016. 120 ‘Mohammed Abrini: ‘Man in the hat’ planned terror attacks in UK’, Express, 10 April 2016. 121 Watkinson, W., ‘Brussels attack: Who is Osama Krayem the jihadi from Malmo arrested with 'Man in the Hat'?’, International Business Times, 10 April 2016. 122 ‘How are the Brussels attackers linked to Paris?’ France 24, 21 April 2016. 123 ‘Krayem involved in Paris attacks’, New Europe, 20 April 2016; and ‘Swedish Brussels bombing suspect also seen involved in Paris attacks: paper’, Reuters, 19 April 2016, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 124 ‘Mohammed Abrini: ‘Man in the hat’ planned terror attacks in UK’, Express, 10 April 2016. 125 ‘How are the Brussels attackers linked to Paris?’ France 24, 21 April 2016. ! ! 15 !

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