HJS Friends of Israel Report FINAL_HJS Friends of Israel Report FINAL.qxd 06/02/2014 09:55 Page 6 ADDED VALUE: ISRAEL’S STRATEGIC WORTH TO THE EU AND ITS MEMBER STATES 89 – one meriting support only in light of Europe’s past world stage remains in question. Amid a small but growing campaign to cast Israel as a strategic liability crimes against Jews – this report asks a simple question: in which ways and to what extent do the EU’s 8 Kathleen R. McNamara, “The Eurocrisis and the Uncertain Future of connections to Israel serve the bloc’s strategic interests European Integration,” Council on Foreign Relations, September 2010, available at: hey make Europeans http://www.cfr.org/world/eurocrisis-uncertain-future-european-integration/ and those of its members? Do t p22933 (access ed 20 November 2013). safer, more prosperous, and/or more influential in the 9 Jose Ignacio Torreblanca and Mark Leonard, “The Continent-Wide Rise of world? Put in starker terms: would Europe be better or Euroscepticism,” European Council on Foreign Relations (2013), available at: http://ecfr.eu/page/-/ECFR79_EUROSCEPTICISM_BRIEF_AW.pdf worse off if Israel were to disappear? (accessed 20 November 2013). o_com er ez lid .com/s iStock © Tel Aviv, the hub of Israel’s booming start-up sector 4

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