HJS Friends of Israel Report FINAL_HJS Friends of Israel Report FINAL.qxd 06/02/2014 09:55 Page 3 ADDED VALUE: ISRAEL’S STRATEGIC WORTH TO THE EU AND ITS MEMBER STATES Contents Introduction 3 In Figures: EU-Israel Relations 5 The Security Dimension 6 Intelligence sharing 6 Sales of weapons and homeland-security systems 8 Joint training and NATO 8 UAV technology 10 The Economic Dimension 11 How Europe benefits from growing bilateral trade 11 Israel as a prime target for EU commerce 12 Energy 12 The Scientific and Technological Dimension 14 Galileo, European Space Agency, and CERN 14 Framework Programmes 14 Britain and Israel: High tech 15 Conclusions and Recommendations 16 Front Cover Image: ©iStock.com/daboost 1

Israel's Strategic Worth - Page 3 Israel's Strategic Worth Page 2 Page 4