TOWARDS A COHERENT WESTERN POLICY ON THE SYRIAN WAR Summary • Syria today is divided into areas of control. The Russian intervention means that the Assad regime can no longer be defeated militarily, except by a direct western military intervention against Assad, which clearly will not happen. • Western policy on Syria has been characterised by hesitation and by an inability to identify deserving partners. This needs to change. As of now, with Syria de facto divided, the crucial point is to grasp the possibilities inherent in this reality. • The West is currently allied with the Syrian Democratic Forces. This force should be assisted to destroy the Islamic State in the months ahead. Once IS is vanquished, Syria will effectively be divided into an SDF-held east, regime-controlled west, and areas held by the Sunni Arab Islamist military groups. • The subsequent goal should be the establishment of a federal, confederal or partitioned Syria. 2

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