WHAT IS THE RUSSIAN FOR FACEBOOK? “Roskomnadzor sent the dispatcher stations of major telecom operators instructions to block traffic on certain major foreign arteries: ISPs were to block them by using appropriate settings in their existing systems of traffic management (Deep Packet Inspection). Traffic did nonetheless continue to go abroad and it proved impossible to determine the particular routes taken.” This is exactly what Anton Nosik said. He may also be right that Facebook is not too bothered about the future of its Russian segment. Although the online advertising market in Russia is growing (in 2014 it grew by over 20%), the largest share among foreign providers, Google’s, was 22%. Moreover, 53% of the advertising market is accounted for by search engines, and only 14% by social networks. As is clear from the draft doctrine of information security in Russia, the government is watching with concern an “increasing informational impact on the Russian population, and particularly on the young, which aims to erode cultural and spiritual values, undermine moral standards, historical foundations and patriotic traditions.” They intend to counteract this malign influence. It would seem, however, that Moscow should not count on the support of global providers. 16
What is the Russian for Facebook? Page 16 Page 18