AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW -! Other: Junade Feroze [Jailed for 22 years for his part in Dhiren Barot’s bomb plots, Feroze’s 1152 phone number was found in Altimimi’s home]; Raschid Messoukat [It is believed Altimimi transferred £8,000 to Messoukat, who has been convicted of terrorism-related offences in 1153 Europe]. CHAOUKI BAADACHE: An Algerian sentenced to ten years in prison in France in 2004 alongside 1154 David Courtailler and Ahmed Laidouni for providing support to Islamist terrorists in Europe. Part of a seven year enquiry into the networks involved in aiding French individuals to travel to Afghanistan to 1155 join al-Qaeda-linked groups, Chaouki’s conviction was on the same charge as David Courtailler – conspiring with criminals engaged in a terrorist enterprise. AHMED LAIDOUNI: A French national, Laidouni was sentenced to seven years in prison in France in 2004 alongside David Courtailler and Chaouki Baadache for providing support to Islamist terrorists in 1156 Europe. JAMAL ZOUGAM: A Moroccan national convicted in November 2007 of involvement in the 2004 1157 1158 Madrid train bombings, Zougam met Courtailler in a Madrid Mosque in 1998. According to the French prosecutors who successfully brought charges against him, Courtailler knew Zougam and made 1159 contact with him after returning from Afghanistan. MOINUL ABEDIN: A Bangladeshi-born resident of the UK arrested in Birmingham in November 2000, police discovered bomb-making handbooks and material used in making explosives on Abedin’s 1160 rented premises. David Courtailler’s false British driving licence was also discovered in his home. Abedin was sentenced to 20 years in prison in February 2002 and released on licence in August 2012 before breaching his release terms over the use of a computer. He was returned to prison and will not 1161 be eligible for release until November 2020. ! ! 1152 Pantucci, R., “We Love Death as You Love Life”: Britain’s Suburban Terrorists, (London, 2015), pp. 178-9. 1153 'The terrorist in our midst', Manchester Evening News, 18 April 2010, available at: terrorist-in-our-midst-997385, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1154 ‘Frenchman jailed for terror ties’, BBC News, 25 May 2004. 1155 ‘Three Islamist suspects to go on trial in France after seven-year enquiry’, Agence France Presse, 15 January 2004. 1156 ‘Frenchman jailed for terror ties’, BBC News, 25 May 2004. 1157 Hamilos, P., ‘Mass murderers jailed for 40 years as judge delivers verdicts on Spain's 9/11’, Guardian, 1 November 2007, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1158 ‘Europe 'must share terror intelligence'’, Independent, 17 March 2004, 1159 ‘Frenchman jailed for terror ties’, BBC News, 25 May 2004. 1160 ‘Police investigation: How many more are out there?’, Independent, 23 July 2004. 1161 ‘Bomb-maker inspired by al-Qaeda loses appeal against 20-year prison sentence’, Birmingham Mail, 4 February 2016, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. ! ! 90 !

An Enduring Threat: Europe’s Islamist Terror Networks Then and Now - Page 94 An Enduring Threat: Europe’s Islamist Terror Networks Then and Now Page 93 Page 95