AN ENDURING THREAT: EUROPE’S ISLAMIST TERROR NETWORKS THEN AND NOW 1140 1141 2001 and told him to travel to Karachi to meet his nephew]; Ammar al-Baluchi [Nephew of 1142 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who acted as one of Badat’s handlers]. Finsbury Park Mosque: 1143 -! Badat stayed at the mosque. Feroz Abbasi [Badat was instructed to “look after” Abbasi in Kandahar and claims to have seen Abbasi at al-Farouq training camp in 1144 2001. He acted as Abbasi’s translator in his meeting with two senior al-Qaeda figures]. The ‘Tooting Circle’: 1145 -! Babar Ahmad [The founder of Azzam Publications and Bosnian 1146 veteran, Badat claims Ahmad became his mentor and introduced him to the idea of “taking up 1147 arms in the name of Islam”]. OMAR ALTIMIMI Role: Described as a “sleeper”, Altimimi was convicted of possession of material for a purpose connected 1148 with terrorism, including material on how to establish cells. Bio: 1149 Altimimi came to the UK in 2004 from the Netherlands and sought to claim asylum for himself 1150 and his family, moving to Bolton and looking for work in teaching and law enforcement. In 2006 he was arrested on suspicion of money laundering, which led to a police search of his home. Information seized from his computer contained files on the organisation of a terror cell, how to make explosives, ‘bombing strategies,’ details of targets and recordings of executions. He was also found to have created multiple identities for himself. In July 2007, Altimimi was sentenced to nine years in prison for six counts of possessing documents for the purposes of terrorism and three years for offences relating to the proceeds of crime. Foreign training/combat: Unknown. Movements: UK (2004). Criminal history: Initially arrested on suspicion of money laundering, Altimimi was convicted of possessing documents for the purposes of terrorism and offences relating to the proceeds of crime. 1151 Known to the authorities: Originally investigated over money laundering suspicions. Networks and associates: US Embassy and Cultural Centre plot (2001) -! : Jerome Courtailler [Altimimi stayed at an apartment in Rotterdam in which Courtailler had also lived]. ! ! 1140 ‘Deposition in U.S. v. Adis Medunjanin’, p. 35. 1141 ibid, p. 36. 1142 O’Neill, S. and Daniel McGrory, The Suicide Factory: Abu Hamza and the Finsbury Park Mosque (London: Harper Collins, 2006), pp. 89-90. 1143 ‘Former al-Qaida operative turned informant testifies in Abu Hamza trial’, Guardian, 28 April 2014. 1144 Mendick, R., ‘Ministers paid £1m to suspect 'seen at al-Qaeda terror camp’’, The Telegraph, 18 May 2014, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1145 Herbig, K., Changes in Espionage by Americans: 1947-2007, (Northrop Grumman Technical Services, March 2008). 1146 ‘The trials of Babar Ahmad: from jihad in Bosnia to a US prison via Met brutality’, Guardian, 19 March 2016, available at: news/2016/mar/12/babar-ahmad-jihad-bosnia-us-police-interview, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1147 ibid, pp. 52-3. 1148 ‘Man jailed over terror cell plans’, BBC News, 6 July 2007, available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1149 ‘Altimimi and Abdullah’, The Counter-Terrorism Division of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), available at:, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1150 ‘Mystery asylum seeker kept bomb manuals’, The Telegraph, 6 July 2007, available at: seeker-kept-bomb-manuals.html, last visited: 9 August 2016. 1151 ‘Altimimi and Abdullah’, The Counter-Terrorism Division of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). ! ! 89 !

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