Abu Doha Network Abu Doha was allegedly one of al-Qaeda’s primary recruiters in Europe and head of one of its most significant terror networks. Operating out of Finsbury Park Mosque at the same time as the infamous ideologues Abu Hamza and Abu Qatata, his network’s connections extend to numerous major plots. Not only did he act as financier to the 2000 plot to attack the Christmas market outside of Strasbourg Cathedral, he allegedly conspired with Ahmed Ressam to bomb LAX airport, Los Angeles, in the same year. AHMED FOUHAD RESSAM SABOUR Los Angeles Airport Plot Strasbourg Plot LAMINE MARONI KAMAL Strasbourg Plot BOURGASS Ricin Plot ABU SALIM DOHA BOUKHARI Financier Strasbourg Plot MOHAMMED MEGUERBA RABAH Ricin Plot KADRE Strasbourg Plot SAID ARIF Al-Qaeda Profiles can be found on pages 78 - 81