Strasbourg Plot/Frankfurt Cell In 2000 a network led by Mohammed Bensakhria plotted to attack the Christmas Market outside Strasbourg Cathedral by blowing up pressure cookers containing explosives. The main operatives were Bensakhria, Slimane Khalfaoui, Yacine Akhnouche and Rabah Kadri, however, the number of individuals in supporting roles was extensive. Four conspirators were arrested in December 2000, and other members of the plot were arrested in the following years, with two trials seeing convictions in March 2003 and December 2004. ABU DOHA Financier RABAH SALIM LAMINE FOUHAD KADRE Plotter MEROUANE BOUKHARI MARONI SABOUR Plotter Plotter Plotter BENAHMED Plotter AEROUBI BEANDALI SLIMANE Plotter KHALFAOUI MOHAMMED Plotter ABDELKADER BENSAKHRIA TCHAREK Leader of the NICOLAS Plotter Frankfurt Cell BELLONI Plotter LAURENT MOURAD DJOUMAKH YACINE Accomplice AKHNOUCHE SAMIR MOHAMED LAZHAR BEN Plotter KORCHI MEROUANE Accomplice AOUANI BERRAHAL MOHAMMED TLILI Attackers Accomplice Accomplice Accomplice Profiles can be found on pages 61 - 73 Accomplices