Zerkani Network Recruiter and financier, Khalid Zerkani, who has been described as a veteran of Afghan jihad who operated out of Molenbeek mosques, stood at the centre of a vast network of foreign fighters and those plotting attacks at home, including many involved in the Paris and Brussels attacks. His connections extend from the previous al-Qaeda networks to those behind the recent Islamic State attacks and plots in Europe. NAJIM ABDELHAMID LAACHRAOUI ABAAOUD Paris & Brussels attacks, YONI Paris attacks, Accomplice/Attacker Ringleader MAYNE SAMI Islamic State Fighter ZARROUK CHAKIB Islamic State Fighter ILIAS AKROUH Paris attacks, MOHAMMADI Attacker Arrested in Belgium Possessing Ammunition, 2014 GELEL YOUSSEF KHALID ATTAR BOUYABAREM ZERKANI Islamic State Fighter Failed to travel to Recruiter, (formally Jabhat al-Nussra) Syria Financier REDA KRIKET Failed Paris Plot FATIMA YASSINE ABERKAN LACHRIRI Recruiter ABDERRAHMANE Islamic State Fighter AMEROUD Failed Paris Plot & Assassination of Ahmed SOUFIANE Shah Masood - Accomplice ALILOU Profiles can be found on pages 34 - 41 Suspected Fighter

An Enduring Threat: Europe’s Islamist Terror Networks Then and Now - Page 124 An Enduring Threat: Europe’s Islamist Terror Networks Then and Now Page 123 Page 125